We didn't have a boat so decided to fish the waters that feed into the bay. So we headed to one of the bridges that has been a good fish catching site. After about an hour or so and couple lost fish my brother hooked into a nice northern pike. It looked legal but with us going to be out for a while he decided to threw it back so it can make more pike to catch. We stayed a little bit longer then decided to change locations.
The next location was right across from one of the waterfowl refuges in the state so I was all excited to see and hear the birds calling to each other. Well the birds weren't doing much chattering but this was a good spot. We could see fish all over but they were being real finicky. With it being the middle of the day and hot it was understandable. Then all of a sudden my dad yells "Hey I Got One" so my brother and I ran over to see what he had. What we seen was a very nice looking northern pike.
After talking with my dad I found out that was his first pike ever so it was great to be there to see him catch it. Well that turned out to be the last fish of the day even though we tried a couple of other spots after that.
So even though I was the only one not to catch a single fish, this was by far one of the best trips that I have had outdoors. Spending time with my dad and my brother was the best and the fish was just the great side note to this day. Because when I get to spend time with my dad I seem to learn something new. The stories might be the same stories time every time but I seem to always pick up something new.
Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there.
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the outdoors and be safe out there.